Saturday, September 3, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I know as soon as I have people come over, rather it is friends or family, they always want to see the room we live in. Just a brief recap for the people reading the blog for the first time. My daughter has Sandifer’s Syndrome, which means her reflux is so bad she has body spasms from it. They almost look like small seizures and are often misdiagnosed. If you want to see what they look like click here and you can see my daughter having a few in the ER. Anyways, it took over a year to diagnose it, going through a variety of testing. She is doing much better now and has almost outgrown it. However, the medical bills were piling up and I had to quit my full time job to stay at home with her.  So, we rented out our home…our first home that we had only been in two years and moved in with my mom. Now I am very happy my mom allowed us to do this. This meant I could continue to stay at home with my daughter, have a roof over our heads and get caught up on all of those bills. We are actually doing the Dave Ramsey FinancialFreedom at home course and that is helping a lot. Since both of my little brothers still live at home as well, my husband and I converted the garage into a small loft. It has a sink, a closet, a door and a window. We put A/C in there and made sure to weather proof the floor. I think by 2013 we should be back in our home and this will become my new studio. Her medical bills started at $60,000 and that is with insurance. We also got behind on a few other things because if you don’t pay those doctors they can refuse to see you.  I was going through pictures and found a few of when the construction first started and the finished product. In the pictures my daughter was only six months old and she is now fourteen months old. So, welcome to my home!

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