Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Line Up and I Shot My Eye Out…

Okay I really didn’t shoot my eye out. It is more like my daughter took the eraser end of a dry erase marker and erased the top layer of my eye. I was diagnosed with corneal abrasion. This happened at Evie’s first birthday party that she has been invited to. Craig thought it was so adorable that she was acting like the marker was her magic wand. Let’s forget the fact that Evie has no clue what a magic wand is and the fact I had already asked him to kindly take the marker away before she poked her eye out. I decided in the sprit of the party to not be THAT MOM that is constantly chasing after her husband and her child. So once the ER doctor gave me some numbing drops to take my mind off of the pain and back onto what just happened. I decided I will always be THAT MOM chasing around her husband and her daughter making sure they both stay out of trouble and from harming anyone else.  One of my clients’s had a similar horrifying story and told me a piece of great advice. She said, “Daddies are the reason that babies have Mommies”! Hilarious but SO TRUE!

Yesterday, I had a follow-up visit with my regular ophthalmologist to make sure I didn’t have to wear a patch. Did I mention that they day I went to see him was Talk Like a Pirate Day! The irony was all so surreal to me. The doctor came in read the story that the medical assistant had already typed out into his system and turned to me and asked, “So what eye did this happen to”? My response, “Not my shooting eye, Thank God”. He looked at me very puzzled and confused. I never got around to explaining that I take pictures with my left eye and it is my right eye that was injured. However, I did get the best care in the quickest time ever! So basically my eye is fine and starting to heal already. He gave me some gel eye drops to help keep my eye moist to prevent further damage. I was home in time to start watching the Fall line up.

Usually I am a little let down by the new shows that have been coming out, but this season is different. I have The Playboy Club, Pan Am, Up All Night and so much more. I am looking forward to watching all of these new shows and gaining some inspiration for my pictures from them. 

So I am off to watch the New Glee and to drink my glass of wine. Have a great night Y’all!


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